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News for Parishioners

Councillor Henry Lloyd - February Report:



A note from MSDC Public Realm Team:


Dear Sir / Madam


Are you getting ready for this year’s Great British Spring Clean?

Every year volunteers across Suffolk, including hundreds in Babergh and Mid Suffolk, go out litter picking to give an area they love a well-deserved ‘spring clean’.

If that already includes you, thank you!

We wish people didn’t litter, but what you do really does make a difference in keeping our districts clean and tidy.

If your parish or group haven’t yet, do you fancy giving it a go?


There are plenty of benefits to litter picking, including:

· staying active

· enjoying the outdoors

· the chance to socialise with neighbours

· the satisfaction of instant results

· giving back to your local community

You can litter pick any time of year. Whenever suits you best, and whether on your own or as part of a group.

Why not do one during the national ‘Great British Spring Clean’ (21 March – 6 April). You can find lots more information and resources on the Keep Britain Tidy website. https://www.keepbritaintidy.org/get-involved/support-our-campaigns/great-british-spring-clean/


We can:

· provide litter picking kits to parish councils and groups taking part for the first time

· put you in touch with your nearest group

· provide rubbish bags

· collect the rubbish after a pick

· or arrange for you to take the rubbish to your nearest recycling centre


All you need to do is let us know how we can support you best.

Simply email us on public.realm@baberghmidsuffolk.gov.uk with the date of your litter pick(s).


Thank you to everyone who has already sent us their litter picking dates for this year.


We love to hear about your events; please do send us some photos that you’d be happy for us to use for promotion, including on social media, to encourage others to take part.


We look forward to hearing all about your litter picks.


Kind regards,


The Public Realm team

Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils



Please see below poster for returning any community equipment you may still have.


Storm Babet Flooding Grant

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Please see the following link for information in relation to the proposed wind turbine development at Prairie Field, Stradbroke:



The following is a link to the November SCC Newsletter from newly elected Henry Lloyd: https://www.henryjameslloyd.com/p/county-november-report


Please see the following from East Anglian Air Ambulance, aimed at 10-14 year olds.



Octopus Energy Wind Turbine Consultation

"Hey there!

At Octopus Energy Generation we’re excited to announce our plans to submit a planning application for a single 1MW EWT wind turbine in Stradbroke, Mid-Suffolk.
The proposed turbine could be part of our Octopus Fan Club initiative which offers discounted energy costs.

Although many in the community have already heard about the upcoming consultation through our leaflets, we wanted to make sure you are personally informed and formally invited to take part. 
We’d love the chance to chat and gather your thoughts on this project.

Join us for our public consultation event in Stradbroke Community Centre on Wednesday 16th October,
Our team, along with our development partners and experts, will be there from 10pm - 7pm, ready to answer any questions you have.

In true Octopus fashion, our public consultation will be as engaging and informative as possible to help answer your questions. Here’s what we have in store:
  • Renewable Energy and Wind Development Experts available to discuss sound, visuals, ecology, heritage, and wind power.
  • Virtual Reality experience for you to see and hear what it’s like near a real-life turbine.
  • Information on how you could receive a discount on your electricity costs with the Octopus Fan Club.
  • Free coffee and cake on us and some Octopus merch to take away.

For more info on the project specifics, please check out our dedicated Prairie Field Development Project page - https://octopus.energy/Prairie-Field-Development-Project/
If you can't make it to the event, no worries! You can share your feedback through our online typeform.
Got questions? Reach out to our development team directly through prairiefieldwindturbine@octopusenergygeneration.com. We can’t wait to meet you and hear your thoughts!
Love & Power,
The Octopus Energy Generation Development Team"


Framlingham Medical Practice in conjunction with the Practice's Patient Participation Group are conducting a survey to understand how patients would like the practice to communicate with them. Please see below link to respond:



Rural Connect Eye Debenham North East


Suffolk on Board traffic survey:



Please find below a reminder of recent developments and announcements by Mid Suffolk District Council:



A note from MSDC re: bin collections 


The 2023/24 Annual Report of the Suffolk Police and Crime Panel has now been published, and is available on the County Council’s website at the following link: Suffolk-PCP-Annual-Report-2023-2024.  The report gives an overview of the work of the Panel over the previous year.


Healthwatch Suffolk


Healthwatch Suffolk is currently working with Suffolk’s Public Health and Communities team to explore people’s views about ageing locally. It’s easy to take part, and anyone can share their views at  https://healthwatchsuffolk.co.uk/ageingwell/ . The survey will close 22nd September 2024. 


The project will ensure people’s views are included in this year’s Annual Public Health Report from Suffolk’s Director of Public Health. Together with local decision-makers and organisations, the Suffolk Public Health and Communities team wants to use the findings to explore opportunities to make our county as age-friendly as possible.


If anyone needs support completing the feedback form, they can call Healthwatch Suffolk for free on 0800 448 8234. They can also use the online contact form at https://healthwatchsuffolk.co.uk/contact/ . Alternative survey formats (such as hard copy, easy read or translated formats) are available from the Healthwatch website.




 Bus Service Funding

A note from Simon Barnett - Integrated Transport and Enhanced Partnership Manager


As you will recall from previous correspondence, we were granted £1.8million to spend each year in 2023/24 and 2024/25 on enhancements to the current passenger transport network.  We have now received the second of these payments from the Department for Transport and are once again opening up our portal for you to submit ideas for new or improved services.  Please note that requests to fund the continued operation of existing services that may not be covering their operating costs cannot be considered for funding with this grant.


Drawing on feedback received about the previous funding round we will be leaving the portal open longer this time, meaning that the deadline for submissions to be considered for this grant is Friday 15th November.  As with the first allocation, we want to support new or improved services at a local level where demand can be proven and have the potential to be self-financing in the longer term. 


The application portal, including guidance on what should be included, can be found here Bus Service Improvement Plan – service funding - Suffolkonboard and this is the preferred method of submitting your ideas.  We will be able to consider paper applications from those who cannot manage the online system but believe that the web page and form are self-explanatory.  Any questions about the form, process or information required should be sent to bus.strategy@suffolk.gov.uk – if we think that questions and the responses would be useful to all we will publish anonymised versions on the web page.  The page also includes details of the improvements we have already funded with this grant so you can get a feel for the types of service likely to score well in the evaluation.


This funding and the allocation process will be included on the agenda for the next Enhanced Bus Partnership Passenger Group meeting.  This will be held online via MS Teams at 1400 on 11th September.  If you do not normally receive invitations to these meetings but would like to attend, please let us know.


Please note that we are asking that all applications submitted by parish/town councils or other community groups demonstrate that they have the support of the county councillor(s) covering the area that would benefit.  Note also that bids with the greatest co-ordinated local support are the services most likely to remain viable once the funding is spent, so do work with neighbouring parishes or groups on combined bids.


We will provide feedback on all applications received, and hope to notify bidders of the outcome after 1st January 2025.  Please note that contractual arrangements, legal agreements or other requirements for this funding will be required, but their final form will depend upon the schemes submitted, which are successful in receiving funding and the DfT terms and conditions for spending the money.  These will be finalised with successful bidders once awards are made.


Thank you


Call for Land Initiative - MSDC

A note from Richard Parmee, Biodiversity Project Manager at MSDC:


Dear All,


In November last year we launched our Call for Land initiative, bringing together various environmental organisations, including Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Woodland Trust, Forestry Commission, Suffolk Tree Warden Network, with landowners wanting to do something with their land to benefit biodiversity.  By doing this, we can provide landowners with a range of advice, support and resources to help them both to decide what to do and make their project happen, catering for sites both large and small.


Already, we have had many enquiries, seeking help for sites ranging from large gardens to tens of hectares.  In some cases, we already have funding in place to start work this winter on woodland creation and hedge planting.  Some schemes not only benefit wildlife, but also help reduce flooding and create a more attractive landscape.


The Call for Land initially arose as a means of addressing the low tree canopy cover we have in our district, well below the national average.  Trees provide us with multiple benefits as identified in our Tree Canopy Survey https://www.midsuffolk.gov.uk/web/mid-suffolk/w/tree-planting but tree planting isn’t the only approach.  We are also helping with hedge planting, ponds, wetlands, natural colonisation and meadow creation


Given the level of interest so far, we are now running a free event to bring the partner organisations and landowners into the same place, so we can do more. 


The event will take place at The Mix, Stowmarket, on Thursday 5th September, starting at 10am. 


Tickets for this free event can be booked via this link:




We would be very grateful if you could share this event and link with anyone you think it may be of interest to. 


This could be someone with a large garden, a small field near their house, or much larger fields.  They just need to be interested in creating or improving habitat on their land. 


Landowners are also welcome to contact me directly to find out more ahead of the event, or if they cannot attend but are still interested in finding out more.


Rural Funding Digest

Please see the following link in relation to current funding opportunities: https://rsnonline.org.uk/rural-funding-digest-august-2024